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August, 12 2024

The Transformative Role of Natural Language Processing in Orthopedics

August, 12 2024

3 minute read

Natural Language Processing (NLP), a subfield of artificial intelligence that allows computers to understand and process human language, is revolutionizing various sectors, including healthcare. 


The world of medicine is swimming in data. Doctor's notes, radiology reports, and patient records all contain valuable information, but sifting through them can be a monumental task. NLP offers a solution for evaluating vast amounts of digital healthcare data in a highly accurate and efficient manner.


Natural Language Processing: Enhancing Clinical Documentation


Orthopedic doctors have historically relied on manual chart reviews, data accumulation, and data synthesis to gather diagnostic information and adverse outcomes. Thankfully, healthcare has undergone a digital transformation, but not without challenges such as the proliferation of unstructured text, vast data quantities, and inefficient user interfaces1.


One of the primary applications of NLP in orthopedics is improving clinical documentation, as traditional methods of documenting patient encounters can be time-consuming and prone to errors2. NLP technologies can assist in:


  • Automated Transcription

    Speech recognition systems equipped with NLP can convert spoken words into text, allowing orthopedic surgeons to dictate notes during or after patient consultations. This reduces the time spent on manual documentation and ensures the information is accurately captured.


  • Structured Data Extraction

    NLP algorithms can process unstructured text from electronic health records to extract relevant clinical information. This includes patient history, symptoms, diagnostic results, and treatment plans. NLP facilitates easier access and analysis by converting this data into structured formats.


  • Report Automation

    NLP can automate the generation of reports based on physician notes and imaging results. This frees up valuable time for doctors, allowing them to focus on patient care.


Improving Diagnosis and Treatment


By extracting data from radiology reports, NLP can define orthopedic diagnoses like meniscal tears, bone metastases, periprosthetic fractures, and traumatic injuries1. So, let’s explore the crucial role NLP plays in enhancing the diagnostic and treatment processes in orthopedics:


  • Symptom Analysis

    By analyzing patient-reported symptoms from various sources, including EHRs and patient portals, NLP can help identify patterns and correlations that might be missed during routine examinations or triage. This aids in more accurate and timely diagnoses. 


  • Clinical Decision Support

    NLP-powered decision support systems can analyze vast amounts of medical literature, clinical guidelines, and patient data to provide evidence-based recommendations. This ensures orthopedic surgeons can access the latest knowledge and best practices when making treatment decisions.


  • Predictive Analytics

    By leveraging NLP to analyze historical patient data, predictive models can be developed to forecast disease progression, treatment outcomes, and potential complications. This allows for personalized treatment plans and proactive patient management.


Streamlining Research and Education


The application of NLP extends beyond clinical practice to research and education in orthopedics:


  • Literature Review and Meta-Analysis

    NLP tools can process and analyze large volumes of scientific literature, identifying relevant studies, extracting key findings, and synthesizing data for meta-analyses. This accelerates the research process and aids in the dissemination of knowledge.


  • Cohort Identification

    NLP can match patients with suitable clinical trials by analyzing EHR data and trial eligibility criteria. This not only enhances patient access to cutting-edge treatments but also improves the efficiency of clinical trials.


  • Educational Resources

    NLP-powered systems can curate and deliver personalized educational content to doctors, keeping them updated with the latest advancements in orthopedics. This supports continuous learning and professional development.


Overcoming Challenges


While the benefits of NLP in healthcare are substantial, there are challenges to address:


  • Data Privacy and Security

    Handling sensitive patient information requires stringent data security measures. Ensuring that there is HIPAA compliance and GDPR compliance is crucial.


  • Data Standardization

    The lack of standardization and consistency in medical documentation leads to ambiguity in human and computer interpretation. Establishing labeling instructions can enhance consistency and reproducibility, benefiting the orthopedic community globally3.


  • Integration with Existing Systems

    Seamlessly integrating NLP technologies with existing EHR systems and workflows can be complex. It requires collaboration between healthcare providers, IT professionals, and NLP experts.


  • Accuracy and Reliability

    The accuracy of NLP algorithms depends on the quality of the data and the sophistication of the models. Continuous training and validation of these models are necessary to maintain their reliability.


While NLP offers a bright future for orthopedics, it's important to remember that it is a tool, not a replacement for human expertise. Doctors will always play a vital role in patient care, but NLP can empower them to deliver even better care.


In an era where electronic medical records and large-scale registries are the norms, innovative approaches like NLP are essential to embrace the latest knowledge in clinical practice and improve healthcare delivery.




1 - Sasanelli, F., Le, K. D. R., Tay, S. B. P., Tran, P., & Verjans, J. W. (2023). Applications of Natural Language Processing Tools in Orthopaedic Surgery: A Scoping Review. Applied Sciences, 13(20), 11586.
2 - Groot, O. Q., Bongers, M. E., Karhade, A. V., Kapoor, N. D., Fenn, B. P., Kim, J., ... & Schwab, J. H. (2020). Natural language processing for automated quantification of bone metastases reported in free-text bone scintigraphy reports. Acta Oncologica, 59(12), 1455-1460.
3 - Zsidai, B., Kaarre, J., Hilkert, A. S., Narup, E., Senorski, E. H., Grassi, A., ... & ESSKA Artificial Intelligence Working Group. (2023). Accelerated evidence synthesis in orthopedics—the roles of natural language processing, expert annotation, and large language models. Journal of Experimental Orthopaedics, 10(1), 99.


Peek Health develops innovative technological solutions for preoperative planning, contributing to the increasing quality of orthopedics and healthcare services, providing added value to its surgeons and patient, making the surgery more predictable, effective, and safe.