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July, 28 2023
Healthcare Management

8 ways to improve patient communication

July, 28 2023

3 minute read

Good patient communication is a fundamental aspect of providing quality healthcare. We frequently forget that when communicating, we are involved in a transfer of emotions.


In this article, we will explore the importance of patient engagement in healthcare and best practices for patient-centered effective communication. 


The Significance of Patient Communication and Engagement



Patient engagement refers to actively involving patients in their treatment decisions and care management, leading to improved outcomes and patient satisfaction. 


By actively involving patients, you empower them to take ownership of their health and follow their treatment plan more rigorously. 


A strong patient-doctor relationship built on trust and effective communication is essential for promoting positive patient experiences and optimizing treatment.


Best Practices for Effective Patient Communication


Your task is to create a connection with the patient, inform him about the options available and make him feel that the treatment you are proposing is the best option for his/her well-being. 


The following strategies will help you create a bigger engagement with each patient, increasing the acceptance of the treatment plan:


1. Patient-Centered Communication


Don’t take the patient’s trust for granted. Your relationship is unbalanced because there is an asymmetry of information.


You should adopt a patient-centered approach, tailoring your communication to meet the unique needs and preferences of each individual. By actively listening to patients' concerns, addressing their questions, and involving them in treatment decisions, you can foster a sense of empowerment and collaboration.


2. Listen to the Patient’s Concerns 


Good doctor-patient communication promotes patient satisfaction by ensuring that patients feel heard and valued without interruption. You should actively seek patient feedback, address patient concerns with a proven action plan, and continuously improve patient communication skills to deliver high-quality care.


3. Compassion and Patient Safety


By showing empathy, understanding patients' concerns, and conveying genuine care, you can alleviate anxiety and build affinity. This compassionate approach contributes to safety and helps address any patient safety issues that may arise during treatment.


All your communication to patients should be positive (e.g. solutions and alternatives), even when giving negative information. 


4. Clear and Concise Information


You should communicate treatment plans, procedures, and potential risks in a clear and understandable manner avoiding using technical jargon. Use language that patients can relate to and use previous cases as examples.


Involve the patient, because communication should be bilateral and not unilateral or vertical. When raising objections and concerns, do so without being condescending.


5. Nonverbal patient communication


Nonverbal communication is equally important as verbal communication. You should pay attention to your nonverbal communication with patients, such as maintaining eye contact, using open body language, and displaying empathy through facial expressions


These nonverbal cues can enhance patient-doctor trust and create a supportive environment.


6. Make Use of Technology


Integrating technology into patient-centered communication can significantly enhance the overall experience. 


Using visual aids, such as radiographic imaging or 3D models, can effectively convey complex medical information in a visually engaging manner, promoting patients' comprehension and engagement. For example, a pre-operative planning system facilitates effective communication by generating a concise report that presents all operation information and decisions in a clear and accessible manner for patients.


Also, healthcare apps with secure messaging systems allow for convenient and timely communication, enabling patients to reach out with questions or concerns and receive prompt responses from you.


7. Importance of Respect and Privacy 


You must consider the factors that might generate anxiety and situations that might make the patient feel vulnerable; and remember, it is essential to be talking at the same level. For example, never have these conversations while the patient is lying or undressed


You need a private room, with a table, chairs (which should stand side by side ), and a monitor which can hold your presentation. Use as much visual support as possible: a picture is worth a thousand words!


8. Training in Physician-Patient Communication


You can invest in physician-patient communication training programs that focus on effective communication techniques. These programs can help practitioners develop strong interpersonal skills, better understand patient needs, and build lasting patient-doctor relationships.


The Consequences of Inadequate Patient Communication


Without open and clear lines of communication, there is a risk of misunderstandings, unaddressed concerns, and diminished patient engagement. This can lead to compromised patient safety, decreased satisfaction, and even poor treatment outcomes.


By recognizing the importance of patient-centered communication, leveraging technological advancements, and investing in training programs, it is possible to enhance communication between you and your patients. 


Moving forward, patient communication must remain a top priority, ensuring that patients are active participants in their care and partners in the healthcare journey.

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